This was a wonderful trip and an amazing tour company. His drivers were the absolute best: I never once felt like I was in any danger, despite the steep drop off on one side sometimes. The drivers spoke English and were very kind. One of our group lost an earbud at a waterfall, and our driver stopped there on the way back and he miraculously found it! (A bunch of us were looking.) The food on the tour was excellent, with either a home cooked Chinese-Indian buffet every day from his staff, or we would stop at restaurants for the same. They thought of everything and were very kind. Tshering really knows Buddhist iconography and could tell us who was in the murals. He also kept us from accidentally being disrespectful (for example, in one temple, he told us to not sit on the cushions on the floor because those were reserved for the high monks. As we walked around admiring the iconography, other tourists came in and…yep, sat on the cushions on the floor.) 10/10, would travel with him again.

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