Bhutan has a season for everyone. The Kingdom stretches across all climatic zones; from the sub-tropical jungles in the south, to the moderate heights of 2000 – 2500 metres in the centre and up to the alpine world of the towering Himalayas and glaciers of the north.

In Winter, there is beautiful sunshine and the days are pleasantly warm. However, it could reach -5 to -6 degree Celsius during the night. The South of Bhutan beckons during the Winter. Dry and pleasant conditions make this the best time of year for bird watching in the jungles, village to village trekking in the lower altitudes or a bicycle trip along quiet mountain roads. The trekking routes in the high mountains are covered in deep snow and are impassable at this time of year. The impressive and endangered Black Necked Crane spends the winter in the high valley of Bumdeling (in eastern Bhutan) and Phobjika (in central Bhutan).

In Spring the trekking season commences in moderate altitudes. Above 3000 metres spectacular rhododendron forests bloom. It is also the perfect time for a rafting tour. In Paro, one of the largest monastic festivals – Paro tshechu – takes place.The temperature is pleasantly mild even up to the Alp regions. Rain comes only in May as the harbinger of the approaching monsoon.

The Summer brings with it the monsoon, but this should not deter travellers. In the settled areas of the medium ranges of Central and Western Bhutan pleasant summer temperatures without heat or humidity can be found. Rain falls for short periods daily but is manageable with adequate planning and equipment. Treks in high mountain areas, e.g. the Snowman Trek, are characterised by mild temperatures, verdant green meadows, and pastures of Blue Poppies and Edelweiss. Nomads tending their yaks in the high Alps are a common sight.

Autumn is the traditional high season in Bhutan. September and October have the highest number of tshechus (monastic festivals). Trekkers particularly enjoy the clear view of the mountains in October and the low rainfall. Rice harvest means a picturesque landscape remarkable terraces and changing colour.

Temperatures and vegetation in the altitudes between 200 and 300 metres are comparable to the moderate climate of middle Europe. The tree line lies just under 4000 metres. During winter there is little precipitation. Snow falls rarely below 2500 metres.

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